Our Program

Integration is a journey we take, hand-in-hand, with displaced families. From assistance with legal entry into the United States to financial independence, our experts and the IA NICE community are there with advice, resources, and encouragement every step of the way.

  • Empowering Sponsors

    • IA NICE provides information about the opportunity to sponsor Ukrainian Families in need, helping through the matching process and connecting families, obtaining government approval to serve as a sponsor, and educates sponsors and their newcomers with resettlement and integration activities once they arrive.

  • Financial Support

    • Our program provides financial support to newcomers, primarily in the areas of temporary housing and living expenses, during the first few months of resettlement while newcomers obtain work authorizations, steady employment, public benefits, and housing.

  • Community Network

    • IA NICE collaborates with local individuals and organizations to create a welcoming, warm and supportive community where newcomer families feel safe, appreciated and celebrated for their courage and independence as they strive to make Iowa their new home. We also work to connect families with local agencies and resources to support their resettlement.

  • Employment Connections

    • We work to network and collaborate with local businesses to identify employment matches with newcomers and assist local businesses with required HR filings necessary to hire legal immigrants.

  • Educational Opportunities

    • IA NICE works closely with local schools and administrators to plan for the arrival and education of school-aged children arriving with English as a second language with the goal of providing high quality educational opportunities.