The Hedzhymanova Family

The Hedzhymanova Family arrives in DeWitt, Iowa.

Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the family enjoyed a calm and joyful life in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine, (one of the hardest hit by Russian military attacks). In September, 2022, due to heavy shelling, the family was forced to abandon their home and business in Kharkiv City with their 10 year old daughter, Olena’s mother, and the family’s cat. The family fled Ukraine for Istanbul, Turkey seeking immediate safety and shelter.

Olena and Maksym Hedzhymanova were successful entrepreneurs in retail business and services industries until the Russian military burned their business operations and destroyed their neighborhood.

The family arrived in the Quad City area on Sunday, October 16th with the support of their sponsor, Angela Boelens of DeWitt, Iowa and IA NICE Board Member and volunteers.

Since their arrival in Iowa, the family has experienced a warm welcome from our community. The family will be settling into long term housing in DeWitt, Iowa soon and their daughter has started school at Ekstrand Elementary.

As the family settles into their new home, they will be in need of personal care items, home furnishings and household items. Please consider contributing to support this family in their resettlement.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity in helping this family rebuild life in our community.


The Zakharchenko Family