The Zakharchenko Family

The Zakharchenko Family arrives!

We are happy to share that together, with the support of our community, IA NICE is welcoming the Zakharchenko family to the United States today.

Our hope is to give them hope as they begin this new chapter in their lives.

The Zakharchenko family has been sheltering in Amsterdam since their home and neighborhood in Kiev, Ukraine, was destroyed by Russian shelling.

The process of obtaining sponsorship needed to resettle in the United States has been lengthy, but with support from local businesses and generous individuals, they are finally enroute.

Their arrival will be bittersweet as they have had to leave behind decades of acquired wealth and possessions such as the beautiful home Pasha Zakharchenko built for his family. Anna Zakharchenko recently explained that these possessions mean very little however as compared to the pain of necessarily leaving her parents in Kiev. Her father is not permitted to leave as he is engaged in the military defense of Ukrainian independence. Anna’s mother will not leave her father.

Please keep their family in your thoughts and prayers and consider a donation to help the Zakharchenko family and other families hoping to begin again in the United States.

We will share a few updates over the next few days as the family arrives and begins their new life.


Community Move-In Day!


The Hedzhymanova Family